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문의 & MSDS요청  >  고객지원  >  문의 & MSDS요청

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜
3321 관리자 2024-06-26
3320 심혜진 2024-06-25
3319 관리자 2024-06-25
3318 김상수 2024-06-24
3317 관리자 2024-06-25
3316 김상수 2024-06-24
3315 관리자 2024-06-25
3314 안성진 2024-06-24
3313 관리자 2024-06-24
3312 양혜영 2024-06-20
3311 관리자 2024-06-21
3310 양혜영 2024-06-20
3309 관리자 2024-06-21
3308 김유민 2024-06-20
3307 관리자 2024-06-21
除此之外,公司没有停留在洗剂的制造上,还通过洗剂制造过程中积累的技术和经验来在 Kitchen Total Cleaning &Sanitation、F & B、Equipment Management、Car Washing System等领域为客户带去满意而不断努力。


As a professional detergent manufacturing company since established in August 1998, Kwangdong Chemical Co., Ltd. has equipped a variety of facilities to produce products that can satisfy your various needs. Furthermore, we work hard to satisfy you in a variety of areas like Kitchen Total Cleaning & Sanitation, F & B, Equipment Management, and Car Washing System through the technology and experience gained in the manufacturing process of detergent rather than just producing it.

Currently, we deal with various countries actively. Through dealings of various times, we have accumulated lots of experiences and know-how. Now, we would like to deal with many more customers. We promise quick, correct, and safe dealings.

If you want a consulting or have questions, contact us anytime.
We will provide sincere, fast, and honest answers.
クァンドンケミカル(株)は、1998年8月に設立された洗剤製造専門会社であり、顧客皆様のさまざまなneedsを満足させるに十分な製品を生産できる各種設備を備えております。 それだけでなく、単に洗剤製造のみに終わるのではなく、洗剤製造過程で得た技術力と経験を通じてKitchenTotal Cleaning & Sanitation、F & B、Equipment Management、Car Washing Systemなどのさまざまな分野において顧客皆様のご満足のために努力しております。

私どもは現在、海外の諸国家と活発に取り引きを進めております。 多数回にわたる取り引きを通じて多くの経験とノウハウを蓄積しており、今後は、より多くの顧客皆様に寄り添ってまいる所存です。迅速・正確かつ安全なお取り引きをお約束いたします。


  Working Day : Mon. ~ Fri.

  Office Hour : 9AM ~ 6PM (GMT +9:00)

  e-mail : kdcok@kdcok.com

  Fax : +82 31 433 4255